Why Run? 9 Reasons Running is the Perfect Exercise

Why Run? 9 Reasons Running is the Perfect Exercise

Let’s face it:

Running is a challenge. Sometimes, we’d rather hit the snooze button than get up for a morning run. Sometimes we procrastinate on the couch, waiting for Netflix to finish another episode. Sometimes we have to fight tooth and claw just to finish an easy run.

No wonder people look at me with support, even admiration, whenever I tell them I’m a runner.

Truth is, anyone can be a runner. You don’t have to be a former athlete or retired track star. If you have a pair of running shoes, then you can run any where at any time.

Here are some of my favorite reasons why you should run.

1. Running makes you sexy.

I’m serious. There’s nothing more attractive than a highly motivated, dedicated, and focused individual. Running requires all of those traits, especially if you’re training for a race like the half marathon or full marathon.

Think about it: have you ever met a lazy runner? Even the laziest runner is more active than the average couch-sitter.

Oh, and running makes you physically beautiful, too.

Need to shed a few pounds? Running is one of the fastest ways to burn the most calories.

Want to get fit? Put on your running shoes.

I’ve never seen an ugly runner – have you?

Unless a car hits you, running is a guaranteed way to increase your lifespan. In fact, runners are 45 percent less likely to suffer cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke.

You don’t have to be a marathon runner to enjoy the benefits. Just running 5 minutes a day is enough to prevent heart disease.

It doesn’t matter how fast, how long, or how far you go.

Even if you’re otherwise unhealthy, a short 5-minute run will dramatically decrease your likelihood of dying from heart problems.

For example, people who are obese and run still have 30 percent lower risk of death than people who are obese but don’t run. This is true for other health factors such as smoking and diabetes.

First, a disclaimer: I love going to the gym. I’m not bashing fellow bros or meatheads. There are tons of reasons to go to the gym and lift weights.

However, running is the most natural form of exercise.

You were born to run because it’s the most basic form of exercise. You use your own body, your own weight, and your own two legs to propel yourself forward. It’s as natural as it gets.

You don’t need fancy equipment or a trainer to each you how to do it.

We even see animals run in their natural habitats all the time. But when was the last time you saw a chimpanzee lifting weights or a squirrel doing pushups?

In our most primitive state, running is the most natural form of exercise.

Those calories you burn gotta come from somewhere, right?

If you want to eat a guilt-free slice of cheesecake… boom. Thank you, running!

Want another serving of pasta? It’s fine, you’re just carb-loading for tomorrow’s long run!

Now, don’t misunderstand me: I’m NOT saying that you can eat all you want and still expect to lose weight and run faster. You still have to watch what you eat. Trust me, I know from experience.

What I’m saying is that because you’re burning more calories, you can afford to healthily eat more than a sedentary person.

Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

Sign up for a race. Whether it’s a 5K, 10K, half marathon, full marathon or anything in-between, go ahead and sign up. You’ll give yourself extra motivation to train. Plus, you’ll receive some FREE swag when you cross that finish line.

Think free shirts, free medals, free hats. Most races also have Gatorade stations, snacks and sweet cool down areas. Did I mention all this stuff free?

Focus on your breath. Concentrate on the mile ahead. Reel in the light post just ahead, then the next, and the next.

One of my favorite benefits of running is the mental and spiritual clarity you get from each run. Some people call this “runner’s high.” And trust me, it’s a real thing.

From a scientific perspective, running is proven to release endorphins, which are natural chemicals that boost your mood and outlook on life. Running also gives you time to zen out your own thoughts.

Because running is so unique to your physical body and mental stamina, it’s a chance for you to develop an increased self-awareness. As you run, you become more aware of the nuances in your body and inner self.

The more you train and the stronger you become, you’ll gain confidence as you push your limits. The sport of running is about personal discipline, sacrifice and resiliency. You’ll surprise and inspire yourself.

This is really an extension of number 2.

We often forget that our heart is a muscle. Like all other muscles, the heart needs exercise to stay healthy and reach its full potential. Running is the best way to strengthen your life-giving pump. When we run, we systematically stress the heart, which allows it to adapt. As the heart adapts, its inner chambers get bigger. This means that the heart can pump more blood per stroke. You’ll also experience a lower heart rate while resting, which is a good thing!

And contrary to popular claims by bodybuilders, running will help you preserve muscle mass. Actually, let me get more specific: running helps prevent age-related muscle loss. And yes, this includes the most important muscle of all: your heart!

After you’ve been running for a while, you might find yourself interested in destination races.

The Boston Marathon. Chicago. Disney World. Hawaii. Australia. Vancouver. England.

Signing up for a race halfway across the country (or the world) is a good reason to travel!

And even if you’re not traveling for a race, running gives you a reason to explore your own back yard. Try running a new route this morning. Explore the world around you. You’ll be surprised at how exhilarating it can be to run through different cities, towns and country sides.

If you’re traveling for business or a family reunion, use that as an excuse to put on your running shoes and figure out the local running routes to see things you normally wouldn’t.

There is a low barrier to entry. You don’t have to be born a “runner.” You don’t have to be athletically gifted. The best thing about running is that it is the only true universal sport.

The next time you go to a local race, look around you. Runners come in different shapes, ages, sizes, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds.

All it takes is dedication and perseverance. Stick with running for a few weeks or until you don’t feel like you’re going to die. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish!

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About the Author:

I’m Daniel and I’m the creator of The Runner Buddie. I lost over 70 pounds thanks to diet, hard work and a love for running. I believe that EVERYONE is born a runner and can achieve the body they’ve always wanted. If you enjoy what I like to say, sign up for my free newsletter! You’ll receive awesome running tips, runner-friendly recipes, inspirational stories, and more.